3-D2a, Oklahoma City, OK 73105 or by calling 58 and leave a detailed message. Those without internet access may contact the ODOT Environmental Programs Division at 200 N.E. Due to COVID-19 precautions, this presentation will be a web-based public viewing format with no in-person meetings scheduled. 12 Members of the public can visit to view a presentation, video and other materials about the proposal and submit comments through Oct. US-81 Virtual Stakeholder Open House Available online through Monday, Oct. The study also looks at the possible use of traffic warning devices along the corridor such as rumble strips, lighting and advance warning systems and signage, among other proposals. Possible improvements include improved signing and striping options, passing lanes, traffic signals, a roundabout and a Green T intersection, which allows one lane of traffic to proceed without stopping. These proposed initiatives ranging from $500,000 to $5 million in potential cost are smaller, interim projects to improve highway operations and safety until traffic volumes warrant a four-lane, divided highway. and considers several solutions based on site conditions at each location. The study area looks at seven intersections along the two-lane highway including US-81 and SH-152/SH-37 and US-81 at SH-37/Main St. The department is inviting the public to view and provide input on the needs and priorities for this 20-mile stretch of the US-81 corridor in Grady County.

The Oklahoma Department of Transportation recently updated a corridor study along US-81 from north of Chickasha to south of Union City.